Gynecology Service



Clinic Facilities

    • Daily general antenatal clinics
    • Special high risk clinics running weekly to cater to highly complicated pregnancies.
    • Specialists’ clinic (Pvt OPD) available daily morning and evening.
    • Daily Clinics attending to gynaecological problems.
    • Weekly HRT Clinics to focus on problems of post menopausal women.
    • Two free clinics every week for the poor patients.
    • Round the clock emergency services to attend to any obstetric or gynaecological emergency.

Labour and Delivery

    • Well Staffed and fully equipped labour room with facilities of electonic fetal heart monitoring during labour.
    • Facility of painless delivery using epidural analgesia.
    • Excellent neonatal care back up with fully equipped neonatal intensive care unit.

Gynaecological Surgery Facilities

    • Fully equipped operation theatres.
    • All major and minor gynaecological surgery.
    • Laparoscopic and hysteroscopy gynaecological surgery.
    • Facility of thermal ablation.
    • Excellent post op care and ICU back up.
    • 24hrs supporting blood bank facility with availability of blood and blood components.
    • Reporductive and Foetal Medicine Unit (RFM Unit)

Facilities available at the centre.

1. Basic and advanced infertility investigations of infertility couple

    • Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy
    • Hormonal Assays
    • Follicular Studies
    • IUI-Intrauterine insemination
    • IVF-In Vitro Fertilization
    • ICSI-Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
    • Sperm and Embryo Freezing.

2. Foetal Studies

    • Foetal Unltrasound Scanning Basi, Level II, Foetal Echo and dopplar, Amniocentesis, CVS

3. Gynecological Scanning, Ultrasound Guided Cyst Aspirations

Gynaecology Oncology Services

    • Pap’s smear facilities and colposcopic procedures which help in the early detection of genital tract malignancies.

Family Welfare Programmes

    • Free tubal ligations including laparoscopic ligations.
    • Vasectomics – no scalpel, no stitch technique.
    • Insertion of IUCDs and Other contraceptive advice.

Community Outreach Programme

    • Conducting regular antenatal and gynae clinics at community health centre.